Military Vaccine Mandate Violated Charter Rights

Police On Guard For Thee

A recent military tribunal has determined the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) vaccine mandate to be in violation of Section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Nina Frid summarized the committee’s conclusions, saying their vaccine policy was “arbitrary” and “overly broad”, that the limitations imposed infringed on members’ “right to liberty and security of the person” and as such “was not in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.”

The committee further criticized the CAF “basic procedural fairness”, noting that they refused to consider other factors, like a member’s service record or whether they already worked in an isolated environment, and did not provide alternative options uniformly across the ranks.

The only alternative provided to members was to be dismissed from military service, either through voluntary release or under the code “5f”; a dishonourable discharge reserved for those determined to be unfit for duty, subsequently applied to each member deemed noncompliant, regardless of the quality or duration of service they had provided.

She cited other cases where it was determined that policies dictating the termination of unvaccinated employees were “unreasonable in light of the constantly evolving situation of COVID-19”. They confirmed that employers did not have “just cause” to terminate simply for refusing the vaccine, suggesting telework or rapid testing as a more proportionate response.

Not surprisingly, Vice Chief of the Defence Staff Frances Allen responded by stating that no member had been forced.

In fact, no one was forced to be vaccinated that we know of. Coerced, pressured, manipulated and threatened…but not forced.

Catherine Christensen of Valour Law represented this case and stated she will now be pursuing a lawsuit to represent many of the CAF victimized by these policies. We look forward to following her efforts.

It is promising to see this military tribunal call out these mandates for what they are. We applaud them for their honesty and integrity, and hope others will follow suit. The time has come for truth, and for rebuilding all that has been broken in Canada.

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