Watch Don Jr. Explain Why DeSantis Is Set To Announce Presidential Bid – ‘Follow The Money’

‘The political consultant class will not allow him not to run,’ Trump Jr. says of DeSantis.

In a video clip from last month’s Fullsend Podcast featuring Donald Trump Jr., the 45th President’s son explained why he thinks Florida GOP Governor Ron DeSantis is preparing to announce his presidential candidacy.

“Follow the money,” he told the guys on the popular show. “There’s so much money to be made running a campaign that will generate a lot of money and billionaire dollars. The political consultant class will not allow him not to run. They’re pushing this because the amount of money that will be made in that cycle by that group of individuals who are very political, who have a lot of power… if he doesn’t run they don’t make any money this cycle.”

Don Jr. also said many of the political consultants are the “scum of the Earth” who make millions of dollars siphoning cash from donors of politicians who they know have no chance of winning.

This flashback video is going around online as DeSantis is expected to announce his presidential run during a live Twitter interview hosted by Elon Musk.

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