Taylor Swift Brags About What She Loves ‘To Explain to Men’

Taylor Swift addressed an audience of about 70,000 in Arizona, stating that she enjoys teaching men how to apologize.

Swift discussed her 2020 album “Folklore,” in which she departed from her typical approach of writing autobiographical songs in her previous seven albums and instead crafted songs centered around fictional characters she envisioned.

“It was kind of like journaling for you or something,” she said about what she has previously done. “I wanted to do a different thing that I had done before.”

“You know, my albums have characteristically been, sort of, excruciatingly autobiographical where, like, when I put out an album, it just feels like getting some sort of live-streamed, public autopsy or something,” Swift continued. “With this one I felt like, ‘Wouldn’t it be so fun to create characters and storylines and they could live in different times, and they could do all these things and they could fall in love and hurt each other, go to wars and all these things?’ So, I created all these characters, right?”

“Okay, so, sort of a recurring theme in my music is that I love to explain to men how to apologize,” she pointed out. “I just love it. It’s kind of my thing. I love to tell them step-by-step, ‘Here’s how simple this is to fix things if you just follow these easy steps that I’m laying out for you in a three-minute song.’ I just love the idea of men apologizing.”

Swift proceeded to elucidate that the song she was about to sing was centered on a teenage boy named James, who endeavored to make amends with the love of his life, Betty. The characters were influenced by the two young daughters of actors Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively.

It’s worth noting that Swift claimed discrimination based on her gender in a tweet from late 2019, ironically. The tweet read: “When you’re pretttttty sure that if you were a man, you’d be the man.”

CNBC News reported on Swift’s album “Lover” and the inclusion of her song “The Man.” The song envisions how society would perceive Swift if she were male. She offered a sneak peek of the lyrics during her Vogue interview, stating: “I’d be a fearless leader. I’d be an alpha type. When everyone believes ya: What’s that like?”

Source: https://dailypatriotreport.com/taylor-swift-brags-about-what-she-loves-to-explain-to-men/